
November 28th 2023
Falling into Winter!  Christmas is here soon!
Welcome! As always we are looking for new members...so please join us!

Hello There, Canada!

Don't forget to check out Kaldain on YouTube and

and Vannden the Rogue - UPM Gaming on YouTube and Twitch

Check out new content starting on
UPM Gaming blog available HERE!


Going on in 2023!

Hope all are safe and happy so far this year. Stay safe and do what is right for you when out in the world. Gaming continues to be a venue that friends and family can join in together over distances, hope all are finding time to game with their loved ones!  I continue to be busy with work, family, running my own RUST server and a Minecraft server.  I've also been streaming on my Twitch account ( Kaldain5 ), and with Vannden (UPM Gaming Twitch channel ) whenever I can.  It will soon be 3 years on Twitch (started December 7th 2020) for me.  Please come check it out! As always Hope 2023 has been a good year, and 2024 is soon to be here!  Please join us and discuss things you like! 

Stay Safe and Play on Gamer!


MMO Slayers/UPM Gaming Community on DISCORD:

Also a brand new - Weekly RUST Update! 
From Shadowfrax...for November 2023...

New...Update on things in RUST and more!
For more on RUST updates check out the devblog or Rustified site.
Also check
Concept Limbo! Also, we have our own RUST server, many mods, NPCs at some of the Monuments and Pilot Eject 

Our RUST server is
MMO Slayers Canada Server which is a generated map with 50 slots and has been updated.  All are welcome, please be respectful and no KOS (atleast not before you meet a few other players). Look up this server under the MODDED Server tab in the RUST Launcher or check the discord for info.
  Check out the map on playrust.io. Be aware you may have to search for the server as the internet connection on the server was upgraded to Fibre and now will change IP Addresses from time to time. Maybe we can even get some videos from the Stormy Bard himself...maybe!?!


Updated...Minecraft Server [Vergdaan] is currently on 1.20.3 and will continue to be updated as we go - soon...stay tuned

Check out Kaldain on YouTube

June 11th, 2023 marked the 12th Anniversary of Too Many Mooshrooms and Nova Tassa our first Minecraft servers back in the day!

See the forums for the full story.

*RUST Server*

See above!

Minecraft Servers

Discord Link: https://discord.com/invite/NjCbFxk

Minecraft Server news...ONLINE!
Vergdaan - Active (Updated) - Vanilla 1.20.3, message me to join.

If you'd like to join Vergdaan, message Kaldain.

June 11th, 2023 - Happy 12th Anniversary - Too Many Mooshrooms and Nova Tassa! The original Pixel Slayers/MMO Slayers MineCraft Server! (No longer active - RIP)


As always ...Please feel free to discuss whatever you wish.  Also if all members could please check out the Compendium of MMO Slayers section (new) in the Member's area and add your own characters in a post so we know who they are.  As well, please join us in our in game guilds.  Our guilds are meant to be fun, and no pressure.  We just want to play our games, have fun and build our guilds with all our MMO Slayers members.  Thanks!

We play such games as DayZ, Sea of Thieves, Minecraft, RUST, Elite Dangerous, COD: Warzone, Dark Souls, Halo Infinite, Elden Ring, Overcooked! 2, Grounded,
as well as

some MMO's played: Destiny 2, Fallout 76, ESO, SWTOR, GW2, FFXIV, NEVERWINTER, EVE Online and more.

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A couple of things you can try before you begin your adventure are listed below...


Updated July 15th, 2023 by Kaldain
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